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This comprehensive guide, which comes in a student-friendly ring binder, contains the information you need to make a realistic assessment of your options and to take informed decisions about how to provide First Aid efficiently. The guide presents the following subjects in a succinct, easy-to-learn and attractive format: level of consciousness, breathing, resuscitation, shock due to blood loss and trauma. You will find it an essential resource for helping you to prepare for your First Aid exam. The guide has been compiled under the supervision of the Council of Experts of The Orange Cross and complies with the 2021 First Aid Guidelines.
E-learning Eerste Hulp van Het Oranje Kruis In deze e-learning leert u alles over eerste hulp bij zowel volwassenen als kinderen. Zo bent u theoretisch voorbereid op de praktijklessen.
E-learning Eerste Hulp aan baby’s en kinderen In deze e-learning leert u alles over eerste hulp bij kinderen en baby’s.
Kijk hier voor meer informatie!
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